Ran into an issue yesterday when out of nowhere my Router dropped the wifi connection to all my devices. I went to the step one solution and power cycled the router to see if that would bring back my networks and nothing.
Turns out the router had dropped the custom wireless connections and replaced them with the default network names. I can access both the 2.4Gz and 5Gz by using the default password on my modem. My Mac on the other hand cannot connect to the default 2.4Gz, only the 5Gz.
Seems like a simple login to the Gateway Modem manager to upgrade the firmware could fix the issues, and let me create my own network names, and passwords again.
But I cannot access the Gateway Manager. Firefox, Chrome, Edge, and Explorer all block this attempt. This is both when the router is connected to the coax cable, and when the coax is unplugged. All of the browsers above give you the "This site cannot be reached" with no option to proceed to unsafe gateway, or anything of that sort.
Safari allows me to log in with default credentials, but the Arris gateway isn't represented in a way where anything on the screen makes sense. lots of files that aren't supported and links that are dead.
I don't like using the default network and network keys for my home. The router is now out of warranty.
Am I supposed to throw away this router and buy new simply because the manufacturer cannot allow its customers to login into the Gateway Manager anymore?