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The parental controls require that the router have the correct time. My kids’ wifi kept turning off at odd times. I tracked the issue down to the router forgetting the time zone. When that happens, the router might say its 11:00 p.m. when its really 5:00 p.m. which causes the parent controls to kick in and blocks their wifi access. This has now happened about a dozen times. Why does the route forget its time zone? I have tried multiple time servers from Google, NIST, and MSFT. Always the same issue. Is there any way to configure the router to stop losing the time zone?

Setting the time zone to Automatic always produces the wrong time. For example, it is 17:40 right now. I set the time zone to “Automatic” and the updated screen now states that it is 23:40, which is 6 hours off. Where is the router pulling the automatic time zone from? Is there any further configuration to ensure the router always has the correct time.  The company needs to invest in hiring a talented user interface  design team. 

Sorry for the delayed response, For this issue to check on this further we need more details like the screen shot of the page where you are setting up this option Also the firmware version of the modem. Is this happening on the modem interface or on the surfboard central app?
