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On the configuration page there used to be a button “Restart Cable Modem”. This button has disappeared. Who changed the firmware and how can I get the button back?

(My ISP denies that they have changed the firmware on the modem that I own)

EDIT: When I remove the coax cable and restart the modem, the reset and restart buttons are there! However, as soon as I put back the cable the buttons disappears 🙄.
How can I keep the buttons with the coax cable connected?
Several years ago, the buttons were there even with the cable connected..

You can’t. Your ISP has their own provisioning (regardless of what they say) that is specific to each ISP. If it works fine without it connected but not while connected, its part of their provisioning. 

But why do you need this? 

A modem in proper working order, shouldn’t need rebooting. It should be a set and forget device

My ISP insist that they have nothing to do with the disappearing buttons. They insist that I contact Arris/Motorola. However, the modem is out of warranty, so no way to call...

I need it to easily change my IP address. I have a script that changes the MAC address on the router and then reboots the modem. I then get a new IP address.
(I am aware that I can alternatively power cycle the Modem to reboot)

the ISP controls the firmware and what its manages. End users and arris can’t change it. Its part of the docsis spec. Even with this, they aren’t going to change it for you because if they did, they’d have to change it for everyone and that’d cost $ for recertifying. And ISP’s won’t spend $ on third party devices.