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I have been trying, unsuccessfully, to get to the admin page. I did a factory reset, and the instructions say to enter the last 8 digits of the serial number as the password, however, the first two of the eight are letters and not digits. Does this mean I’m not allowed to access the admin page?


Did you try entering them? 

Yes, I tried lower case and upper case as the serial number is uppercase and still no go. My internet is intermittently dropping. Comcast came out and replaced wire from pole to house, and internet went out again over night. Since I bought the SB8200 about five years ago, it might be starting to fail, but I wanted to check out the admin tools to see if I can garner any additional information. On top of that I’m having to deal with my Google Mesh not working even though internet connection is reestablished - might need to replace that as well, but need to see if the router is having problems first.

did you try the default (sometimes used) login/password?
login: admin

password: password


It should default to the last 8 of the serial number but maybe its not. 

Or maybe a number/letter is blurred/wrong

Ok - finally got in using Uppercase! I think the original problem was the direct connection to the SB8200 - the cord wasn’t clicking into my computer completely. However, when I check the log it doesn’t tell me much - just that it lost connection and some generic error codes until it reconnects. From what I can tell, Comcast signal goes down, then SB8200 reconnects, but my Google Mesh doesn’t reconnect and takes a ton of plugging and unplugging to come up again. I may have to get new SB8200 and new mesh as both are over three years old.