I’ve been using very very slow internet for quite some time now , I use xfinity service but purchased your device . Look I know xfinity updates their modems automatically but I’ve never updated your device since purchase . Anyways, I’m suspecting that something is wrong a not only one . I noticed my router is open ? So it says on site . And upnp is the settings it’s currently on. Now I can’t connect at all and I’m gettin an error message saying he following :
Internet Connection not available
Internet connection is currently NOT available on your mobile device.
ERROR CODE: 0002-1002
before contacting support I’ve tried my best to find ways to figure things out in my own but I keep reaching a dead end and login in also fail cuz it says it locked due to fail attempt when I’ve barely have ever tried too do so
i looked up the s/n edit: removed personal information]
and it points me to this device in fact being the sb8200 correct me if im wrong