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I am randomly not able to access internet secure sites. When i connect to my wifi it states the connection is secure and have internet access and i do indeed have internet access. I am able to access and other common non secure sites. Yet when i try to access a secure banking site or similar i am getting the connection is not secure message. it doesn't matter if it bing chrome or firefox. i have run network diagnostics and it states it is not finding a problem. randomly it will start working on its own with me not doing anything to correct it. For example while i was typing this on a different laptop i asked my wife to see what the error was, she said she couldn't tell me because it was now working. I have factory reset, Reloaded my network adapter. turned mac filtering off, restarted modem, played with firewall settings on cpu and router  i still have this issue

Sometimes one of those attempted fixes may work but mostly they don't and it will start working by itself for a time until it decides to stop letting us access secure has happened also when i am on facebook and everything was fine before then after some time i got back to the web and cant access secure sites. i still have internet access as i can access other sites so i know the connection is not dropping.  Its important to note i never lose connection and i know the wifi is working as my tv is connected as well as a few ipads that neither have never had a problem. 

i am almost positive this is related to the router as if i reconnect my xfinity cable modem which i have not turned in yet and go through the setup on xfinity to get that working i am not having this issue at all. once i reconnect the arris modem router i get no stability as far as the web secure sites.

Looking for any ideas to help me with this