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SBG8300 purchase link for battery back up

  • 8 September 2023
  • 4 replies

Please provide me with a link of the battery back up that I can buy. 

Where does the battery back up need to be connected to?

I believe the only Arris modems that have an “onboard” battery backup are the phone modems, such as the following

Are you looking for a backup battery  power supply, or UPS? If so, the modem AC cord plugs directly in to the UPS. You pick the size/capacity based on how long you need the modem to function when the main power is out. Here’s an example of such a unit.

Thank you this is very helpful

Yes I need a UPS. Since most of them have a 6ft cable and I need 8ft, is it recommended to plug an extension on the outlet and plug the UPS on the extension?

I don’t think enough current is involved that it will matter whether the extension is on the UPS or the Modem. Just use a quality extension.

Thank you! I appreciate your help!