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The router does not seem to fully connect to our internet. We have the very high gigs but that isn't coming across to our phones. Any suggestions?

A little more details helps. What isn’t coming across to your phones? 

What error do you get?
Or what actually happens? 

So it appears that both our Android phones work better (we get 4Gs) when we disconnect from the modem. We are still streaming although there are occasional "downloading" issues. We have the highest internet speed available in Central Oregon lol thru BendBroadband I think its TDS now. Thank u so much! Debby

What android phones do you have? 

What are the occasional downloading issues? 

Your responses are very vague and don’t tell us much about whats going on. 

We have the newer Android models S22 and S21. I apologise, the issue is we do not have the full 4g available over the modem. Bypassing the rouyer gives us 4g service on both phones. Last night we were steaming on Netflix and the service was cut off midstream and reverted back to DISH tv. I don't know if it's the router or our cable service. We are currently receiving "ultra" 1 gig thru our broadband provider. 

they’re disconnecting from the SBG’s wifi? 

Or what’s actually happening with the wifi? 

Are you connected to the 2.4ghz or the 5ghz when it happens? 

Well the streaming is direct from the landline attached to the  modem so I would guess the full 4G (rural here, that's the best we can do lol). Yes, the streaming completely shut off. It reverted to  DISH which is also hardwired to the modem......

I’m so confused here because your bouncing around and mixing technologies up. 

  1. 4g is your cellular service. so you’re saying your phones disconnect from the routers wifi and connect only to the 4g
  2. dish. What does dish have to do with it? Are you streaming dish? Do you have dish internet service? Whats going on here? 
  3. The SBG isn’t a “landline” device. Landline is phone service/dsl. Do you have coax coming into the home with the sbg connected to? What speeds do you actually pay for? It doesn’t support “gigs of service”

Doll, I appreciate your patience with me here. Ok

1. We get stronger reception on our phones bypassing the modem. This is a relatively new development 

2. Last night watching Netflix, it shut itself off and naturally went into the default Dish channels.

3. Yes the SBG is connected to coax

4. Paying for 1 gig service spliced into remote services for 2 locations and ours. 

Ok! It seems easier to answer yr questions than explaining it sorry 😞 

  1. Does it happen every day? 
  2. log into the sbg and get a screensnip of the cable connections page (shows upstream/downstream values) and the event logs. Post them back here
  3. when it goes down, check to see if the wifi is still broadcasting and you can’t connect to it, if its connected but doesn’t have internet, or if its not broadcasting at all. There’s key points to each. 

No, it's maybe 1 a week or less

Ok! I will do that, thank you again, very much! Debby

Good luck!

When streaming, do make sure you’re streaming devices are connected to the 5ghz. Its a much faster network and suffers from less interference than the 2.4ghz. 

Ok thanks again. 😊