I have just changed internet provider and has been unfortunate to receive a TG3442 modem.
First my provider has chosen to use the preshared wireless key as the password to the modem settings. Nice if you cannot read the sticker, also nice if you have to reset the modem in the future. This was not really a big deal just a small anoyance. When I finally managed to scan the needed codes and I wanted to disable the wireless networks in the modem,I am asked to fill out a captja before the settings can be saved. Surely no thought aat all has been spared on the general accesibility of these products. Surely such a captja requirement will violate the a accessibility requirements that takes effect in 2025 in the EU. Of course it is nice to have such an obvious case to test for the new rules if necessary, but currently I am not happy with the state of accessibility on this modem, and I am going to find a way to change to something else less unfriendly to a screen reader user as soon as possible.