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Hi, I have some issue. For about 15 min I hadn’t internet access from my laptop, I had connection with router via WiFi but no with internet (other devices had normal connection with internet). I checked router `Parental Control > Reports` and in report from today I can see

Device MAC:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX 5640 attempts 17/05/2024 17:15:01 Device Blocked


Where `XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX` is MAC of my laptop.

I have not configured blocking this device in `Parental Control > Managed Devices` settings. Where yet can be configured blocking some devices in router configuration? How to find why it was blocked?




I apologize but the TG3442S has been discontinued and we no longer offer support for it. Arris supports only the retail products that are available on but not the ISP lease products. 


I restarted router and then in Parental Control > Managed Devices appeared information that device with my MAC should be blocked from 17:00 till 17:15. I removed this record and now it works.

It’s a little strange but ok, my problem is solved.