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An ARRIS modem model #TG1682G was just installed by my internet provider. I am trying to change the preshared key but cannot log in to ARRIS. I go to I type in admin and the unit password from the modem label but I get the invalid user name or password. So I tried the Preshared key number for the password, still no go. I have no idea what to try next. BTW I tried entering several times just incase I fat fingered a key and still can’t get in. Help, please>

TG1682G is not supported by Arris. Arris supports only the retail products that are available on but not the ISP lease products. 

What @SURFboard Moderator is saying is you have to check with the ISP. They’re the ones who support these devices since they’re direct to ISP devices. Could be they changed the defaults or lock it down