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Just upgraded to G36 from a SB6141about a week ago
Everything seems to be working fine (450M down/10M up) for a few days (2-3 days) and then all connectivity slows down…  Sometimes I will see 25M d/10M u other times it will be < 0 Down.

Slowness is on both wired and wireless devices.  Using my android phone to connect to the Surfboard app does not work (maybe i have to wait for more than 5 minutes for it to load) and I have to use a hardwired desktop to connect to the admin interface.  If I restart the G36 (through the admin interface), everything works fine again, full speed.  At times I thought it was the DHCP lease, 1d x 2.5 = 2.5 days, but I have no proof, yet. 

Thought i’d ask here instead of Xfinity since this seems to be G36 specific.  Hoping someone else has a fix for this. 

BOOT Version:CGR2.86C.635901.R.2007141716
Core Version
Download Version:
Firewall - default Medium
System uptime (22h)
WAN IPV4 - DHCP lease 13h (currently)
WAN IPV6 - DHCP 13h (currently) 

Hello ii fred

                        I understand that you are having slow speed issue on both the direct and Wi-Fi connection, in this case i would suggest you to check the modem signal level on the modem interface since you have done with basic trouble shooting on the modem already, Slow speed occurs usually out of cable signal level, out of acceptable range and it will be resolved after the power level are adjusted by the service provider.

                        The bellow article will explain you the complete details about the downstream and upstream acceptable range and if the values are not in acceptable level tat can be corrected by your Internet service provider to get this issue fixed.


Hope this is helpful

So looking at:
Downstream QAM256
31 power levels are all -4.0 thru -6.4 (dBmV) and the 34.4 thru 35.08 SNR(dB)

UpStream 64QAM

Power Level , 36.01 thru 41.27 (dBmV) and the Symbol Rate (K Sym/sec) 3 x 2560 &  4 x 5120
These number all look to be within spec as identified in the FAQ. 

I am currently experiencing slowness (xfinity speedtest 40M/s download). if I reboot the router, i’m betting i will get back up to 450M dl speeds
(took 3 days to hit noticeable degradation)

I am having the same problem as ii fred. Every 2-3 days I have to recycle the power on my g36 (connected to xfinity) because of lost packets.  Xfinity tells me that up to 47% of my ip packets are being lost.  As soon as I recycle the power, all looks normal in terms of response time.

This has be going on for sometime now and I am at my wits end.  Can you remotely trouble shoot my modem?  It’s still under warranty. 


Uhh that's not the best answer(mistaken click), but misery loves company.  Glad it is not just me. 

Still an issue

Actual screensnips of the cable connection page and the event logs help 

Here’s a sample…   
reboot #1 
Slowness then After reboot

  Slowness (12/22/2022 10am, 40M dl)         After Reboot (12/22/2022 10.30am)    
Index Frequency (MHz) Power Level (dBmV) SNR (dB)   Index Frequency (MHz) Power Level (dBmV) SNR (dB)
4 375 -4.200001 34.345688   4 375 -4.099998 34.48357
5 381 -4.200001 35.083549   5 381 -4.099998 35.083549
6 387 -4.5 35.083549   6 387 -4.400002 34.92561
7 393 -4.400002 35.083549   7 393 -4.400002 35.083549
8 399 -4.700001 35.083549   8 399 -4.700001 35.083549
9 405 -4.799999 35.083549   9 405 -4.700001 35.083549
10 411 -4.799999 34.92561   10 411 -4.799999 35.083549
11 417 -5 35.083549   11 417 -5 35.083549
12 423 -4.900002 35.083549   12 423 -4.900002 35.083549
13 429 -5 34.92561   13 429 -5 35.083549
14 435 -5.099998 35.083549   14 435 -5.200001 35.083549
15 441 -5.200001 35.083549   15 441 -5.200001 34.92561
16 447 -5.5 35.083549   16 447 -5.5 34.92561
17 453 -5.299999 34.92561   17 453 -5.200001 34.92561
18 459 -5.299999 35.083549   18 459 -5.299999 34.92561
19 465 -5.200001 35.083549   19 465 -5.200001 35.083549
20 471 -5.299999 35.083549   20 471 -5.299999 35.083549
21 477 -5.200001 35.083549   21 477 -5.200001 34.92561
22 483 -5 34.92561   22 483 -4.900002 35.083549
23 489 -4.900002 35.083549   23 489 -4.799999 35.083549
24 495 -4.900002 35.083549   24 495 -4.900002 35.083549
25 501 -5.099998 34.345688   25 501 -5.099998 34.48357
26 507 -5.5 34.92561   26 507 -5.5 35.083549
27 513 -5.5 35.083549   27 513 -5.5 34.92561
28 519 -5.900002 34.92561   28 519 -5.799999 34.92561
29 525 -6.200001 34.345688   29 525 -6.099998 34.48357
30 531 -6.400002 34.48357   30 531 -6.299999 34.48357
31 537 -6.299999 34.345688   31 537 -6.200001 34.48357
32 543 -5.900002 34.48357   32 543 -5.799999 34.92561
33 549 -5.5 35.083549   33 549 -5.5 35.083549
34 555 -5.299999 35.083549   34 555 -5.20001 35.083549

Reboot #2
First set of data is when slowness, then numbers after a reboot,  then numbers with no issues (3x).   Just noticing in the “index” column of the “slowness” data, has duplicate Index #’s…  Might be an issue with my sorta/cut/paste

  Slowness (12/26/2022 8pm, 12M dl)           After Reboot (12/26/2022, 8:05pm)         12/27/2022, 7:30am)       12/27/2022, 2:30pm)       12/28/2022, 3:36pm)      
Index Frequency (MHz) Power Level (dBmV) SNR (dB)   Index Frequency (MHz) Power Level (dBmV) SNR (dB)   Index Frequency (MHz) Power Level (dBmV) SNR (dB)   Index Frequency (MHz) Power Level (dBmV) SNR (dB)   Index Frequency (MHz) Power Level (dBmV) SNR (dB)
4 375 -4.400002 34.345688   17 453 -5.400002 32.962662   17 453 -5.400002 32.962662   17 453 -5.299999 32.962662   17 453 -5.700001 32.584778
5 381 -4.400002 35.083549   18 459 -5.5 33.062504   18 459 -5.400002 33.062504   18 459 -5.400002 32.962662   18 459 -5.799999 32.962662
6 387 -4.700001 34.92561   19 465 -5.299999 33.062504   19 465 -5.400002 33.062504   19 465 -5.299999 33.062504   19 465 -5.700001 32.962662
7 393 -4.599998 35.083549   20 471 -5.5 33.062504   20 471 -5.5 33.062504   20 471 -5.400002 32.962662   20 471 -5.799999 32.769611
8 399 -5 34.92561   21 477 -5.5 33.062504   21 477 -5.5 33.062504   21 477 -5.5 33.062504   21 477 -5.900002 32.962662
9 405 -4.900002 34.92561   22 483 -5.200001 33.062504   22 483 -5.099998 33.062504   22 483 -5.099998 33.062504   22 483 -5.5 33.062504
10 411 -5 35.083549   23 489 -5.099998 33.376591   23 489 -5.099998 33.376591   23 489 -5 33.486542   23 489 -5.400002 33.062504
11 417 -5.200001 34.92561   24 495 -5.099998 33.062504   24 495 -5.099998 32.962662   24 495 -5 33.062504   24 495 -5.400002 33.062504
12 423 -5 35.083549   25 501 -5.299999 32.321487   25 501 -5.299999 32.237156   25 501 -5.200001 32.237156   25 501 -5.599998 31.993563
13 429 -5.200001 35.083549   26 507 -5.700001 32.962662   26 507 -5.799999 32.962662   26 507 -5.599998 33.062504   26 507 -6 32.676208
13 429 -5.200001 35.083549   27 513 -5.700001 32.962662   27 513 -5.700001 32.962662   27 513 -5.599998 33.062504   27 513 -6.099998 32.676208
14 435 -5.200001 34.92561   28 519 -6.200001 33.062504   28 519 -6.200001 32.962662   28 519 -6.099998 32.962662   28 519 -6.5 32.676208
14 435 -5.200001 34.92561   29 525 -6.5 32.676208   29 525 -6.5 32.676208   29 525 -6.400002 32.676208   29 525 -6.799999 32.584778
15 441 -5.400002 35.083549   30 531 -6.599998 32.676208   30 531 -6.5 32.676208   30 531 -6.5 32.676208   30 531 -6.900002 32.584778
15 441 -5.400002 35.083549   31 537 -6.599998 32.676208   31 537 -6.599998 32.584778   31 537 -6.599998 32.676208   31 537 -6.900002 32.584778
16 447 -5.799999 34.92561   32 543 -6.099998 33.062504   32 543 -6.099998 32.962662   32 543 -6 33.062504   32 543 -6.400002 32.962662
16 447 -5.799999 34.92561   33 549 -5.799999 33.376591   33 549 -5.799999 33.486542   33 549 -5.700001 33.486542   33 549 -6.099998 33.376591
17 453 -5.5 34.92561   34 555 -5.5 33.486542   34 555 -5.5 33.486542   34 555 -5.299999 33.486542   34 555 -5.900002 33.376591
17 453 -5.5 34.92561   35 561 -5.299999 33.486542   35 561 -5.299999 33.376591   35 561 -5.299999 33.486542   35 561 -5.700001 33.486542
18 459 -5.5 35.083549   36 567 -5.5 33.486542   36 567 -5.5 33.834164   36 567 -5.400002 33.599354   36 567 -5.900002 33.486542
18 459 -5.5 35.083549   37 573 -5.5 33.486542   37 573 -5.5 33.715172   37 573 -5.400002 33.486542   37 573 -5.799999 33.376591
19 465 -5.400002 34.92561   38 579 -6.200001 33.486542   38 579 -6.200001 33.486542   38 579 -6.099998 33.376591   38 579 -6.5 33.062504
19 465 -5.400002 34.92561   39 585 -6.5 33.486542   39 585 -6.400002 33.376591   39 585 -6.299999 33.376591   39 585 -6.799999 33.062504
20 471 -5.400002 35.083549   40 591 -6.599998 32.962662   40 591 -6.599998 33.062504   40 591 -6.5 33.062504   40 591 -6.900002 32.962662
21 477 -5.400002 35.083549   41 597 -6.799999 33.062504   41 597 -6.799999 33.376591   41 597 -6.799999 33.062504   41 597 -7.200001 32.962662
21 477 -5.400002 35.083549   42 603 -6.700001 33.486542   42 603 -6.700001 33.376591   42 603 -6.700001 33.376591   42 603 -7.200001 33.062504
22 483 -5.200001 35.083549   43 609 -6.900002 33.062504   43 609 -6.900002 33.376591   43 609 -6.799999 33.062504   43 609 -7.299999 33.062504
22 483 -5.200001 35.083549   44 615 -6.799999 33.062504   44 615 -6.700001 33.062504   44 615 -6.700001 33.062504   44 615 -7.200001 32.962662
23 489 -5.099998 35.083549   45 621 -6.400002 33.062504   45 621 -6.5 33.376591   45 621 -6.400002 33.062504   45 621 -6.900002 33.062504
23 489 -5.099998 35.083549   46 627 -6.599998 32.676208   46 627 -6.599998 32.676208   46 627 -6.599998 32.676208   46 627 -7 32.584778
34 555 -5.5 34.92561   47 633 -6.599998 33.062504   47 633 -6.599998 33.376591   47 633 -6.599998 33.062504   47 633 -7 33.062504




I seem to have the same problem.

I am using the G36 with Xfinity. The device slows down and stops working every 2-3 days after which I need to power cycle. It works fine after that. Even otherwise, I see that some tabs do not navigate to the URL I am trying to open, the browser spins and displays a blank page. It usually works when I hit the refresh button.

I tried to troubleshoot with instructions provided by @SURFboard_Moderator but I don’t see anything wrong with the downstream and upstream signal levels.

I have another 2-3 weeks before the return window for the device closes, so need to figure this out in the next week or so or prep to return it. Would appreciate any help.

Agree, my return date is coming up Jan 31

If there is something in the logfiles I can try and include, but I have read reddit complaints and I don't think this is new, just new to me. 

@ii fred You didn’t include any of the errors/code words. Or the logs. those are key

@plemans what particular parts in the logs are you looking for ?   The article that was listed did not point anything specific out to look for in the logs.   
I’m just a little hesitant to posting the full log on an open forum.

t3, t4 errors. power window violations, etc. Those tend to indicate line issues. 

there’s others too but they need to be taken as a whole in conjunction with the line info to help figure it out. 

Part of today’s logs when the slowness happened (event logs lower).  Only changed IP & MAC Addresses below

=-=-=-System logs =-=-=-=-=-

GUI: User:admin login
    01/10/2023 09:59:19    Notice

IGD: config.utapi s_add_portmapdyn: add entry (index 1): add/overwrite entry param portmap_dyn_1 value:enabled,none,9308,my.ip,9308,udp,540000,1673373230,my.ip:9308 to 9308 (UDP)
    01/10/2023 09:53:50    Notice

IGD: config.utapi s_add_portmapdyn: add entry (index 1): add/overwrite entry param portmap_dyn_1 value:enabled,none,9308,my.ip,9308,udp,543600,1673369624,my.ip:9308 to 9308 (UDP)
    01/10/2023 08:53:44    Notice

IGD: config.utapi s_add_portmapdyn: add entry (index 1): add/overwrite entry param portmap_dyn_1 value:enabled,none,9308,my.ip,9308,udp,547200,1673366018,my.ip:9308 to 9308 (UDP)
    01/10/2023 07:53:38    Notice

IGD: IGD_pii_get_traffic_stats: Enter
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: IGD_pii_get_traffic_stats: Enter
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: IGD_pii_get_traffic_stats: Enter
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: IGD_pii_get_traffic_stats: Enter
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: IGD_pii_get_traffic_stats: Enter
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: IGD_pii_get_traffic_stats: Enter
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: IGD_pii_get_traffic_stats: Enter
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: IGD_pii_get_traffic_stats: Enter
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: IGD_pii_get_traffic_stats: Enter
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: IGD_pii_get_traffic_stats: Enter
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: GetTotalBytesSent of WAN1
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: GetTotalBytesSent of WAN1
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: GetTotalBytesSent of WAN1
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: GetTotalBytesSent of WAN1
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: GetTotalBytesSent of WAN1
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: GetTotalBytesReceived of WAN1
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: GetTotalBytesReceived of WAN1
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: GetTotalBytesReceived of WAN1
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: GetTotalBytesReceived of WAN1
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: GetTotalBytesReceived of WAN1
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: config.utapi traffic stats: bytes sent 1021900550, rcvd 2147483647, pkts sent 4779924, rcvd 5946833
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: config.utapi traffic stats: bytes sent 1021900550, rcvd 2147483647, pkts sent 4779924, rcvd 5946833
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: config.utapi traffic stats: bytes sent 1021900438, rcvd 2147483647, pkts sent 4779923, rcvd 5946832
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: config.utapi traffic stats: bytes sent 1021900438, rcvd 2147483647, pkts sent 4779923, rcvd 5946832
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: config.utapi traffic stats: bytes sent 1021900438, rcvd 2147483647, pkts sent 4779923, rcvd 5946830
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: config.utapi traffic stats: bytes sent 1021900438, rcvd 2147483647, pkts sent 4779923, rcvd 5946830
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: config.utapi traffic stats: bytes sent 1021900384, rcvd 2147483647, pkts sent 4779922, rcvd 5946827
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: config.utapi traffic stats: bytes sent 1021900384, rcvd 2147483647, pkts sent 4779922, rcvd 5946827
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: config.utapi traffic stats: bytes sent 1021900384, rcvd 2147483647, pkts sent 4779922, rcvd 5946827
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

IGD: config.utapi traffic stats: bytes sent 1021900384, rcvd 2147483647, pkts sent 4779922, rcvd 5946827
    01/10/2023 07:34:21    Notice

=-=-=-=  Event Logs =-=-=-=-

No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 10:02:52    Critical
Unicast Maintenance Ranging attempted - No response - Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 10:02:28    Critical
Ranging Request Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 10:02:28    Critical
No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:56:03    Critical
Unicast Maintenance Ranging attempted - No response - Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:55:39    Critical
Ranging Request Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:55:39    Critical
No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:49:15    Critical
Unicast Maintenance Ranging attempted - No response - Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:48:51    Critical
Ranging Request Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:48:51    Critical
No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:42:03    Critical
Ranging Request Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:41:39    Critical
Unicast Maintenance Ranging attempted - No response - Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:41:39    Critical
ti_dhcp6c: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82
    01/10/2023 09:41:00    Critical

No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:35:14    Critical
Unicast Maintenance Ranging attempted - No response - Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:34:50    Critical
Ranging Request Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:34:50    Critical
ti_dhcp6c: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82
    01/10/2023 09:29:02    Critical

ti_dhcp6c: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 24
    01/10/2023 09:29:02    Critical

No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:28:26    Critical
Unicast Maintenance Ranging attempted - No response - Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:28:02    Critical
Ranging Request Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:28:02    Critical
No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:21:37    Critical
Unicast Maintenance Ranging attempted - No response - Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:21:13    Critical
Ranging Request Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:21:13    Critical
No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:14:49    Critical
Ranging Request Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:14:25    Critical
Unicast Maintenance Ranging attempted - No response - Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:14:25    Critical
No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:09:36    Critical
CM-STATUS message sent.  Event Type Code: 24; Chan ID: 48; DSID: N/A; MAC Addr: N/A; OFDM/OFDMA Profile ID: 1.;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:09:32    Notice
DS profile config update.  DS Chan ID: 48.;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:09:28    Notice
No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:08:00    Critical
Unicast Maintenance Ranging attempted - No response - Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:07:36    Critical
Ranging Request Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:07:36    Critical
No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:01:11    Critical
Unicast Maintenance Ranging attempted - No response - Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:00:47    Critical
Ranging Request Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 09:00:47    Critical
No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 08:54:23    Critical
Unicast Maintenance Ranging attempted - No response - Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 08:53:59    Critical
Ranging Request Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 08:53:59    Critical
No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 08:47:34    Critical
Ranging Request Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 08:47:10    Critical
Unicast Maintenance Ranging attempted - No response - Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 08:47:10    Critical
No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 08:40:46    Critical
Unicast Maintenance Ranging attempted - No response - Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 08:40:22    Critical
Ranging Request Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 08:40:22    Critical
No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 08:33:58    Critical
Unicast Maintenance Ranging attempted - No response - Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 08:33:34    Critical
Ranging Request Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 08:33:34    Critical
ti_dhcp6c: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82
    01/10/2023 08:33:07    Critical

No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 08:27:09    Critical
Unicast Maintenance Ranging attempted - No response - Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 08:26:45    Critical
Ranging Request Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 08:26:45    Critical
ti_dhcp6c: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82
    01/10/2023 08:23:48    Critical

ti_dhcp6c: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 24
    01/10/2023 08:23:48    Critical

No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 08:20:21    Critical
Unicast Maintenance Ranging attempted - No response - Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=my:mac1;CMTS-MAC=my:mac2;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;    01/10/2023 08:19:57    Critical
ti_dhcp6c: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82
    01/10/2023 07:33:07    Critical

ti_dhcp6c: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82
    01/10/2023 07:15:48    Critical

ti_dhcp6c: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 24
    01/10/2023 07:15:48    Critical

ti_dhcp6c: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82
    01/10/2023 06:31:04    Critical

ti_dhcp6c: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82
    01/10/2023 06:04:29    Critical

ti_dhcp6c: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 24
    01/10/2023 06:04:29    Critical


Not sure of the implications of (first of 4 pages):

CM Error Codewords

Unerrored Codewords Correctable Codewords Uncorrectable Codewords
132977025 0 0
140196789 0 6896
140205716 0 7398
140203746 0 6776
140226366 0 7811
140225876 0 7572
140249335 0 8489
140228453 0 7080
140256686 0 8403
140233015 0 6636

seems to indicate line issues with the logs and errors

Some of you are way more advanced and technical than I can understand.  All I know is that my G36 was working great for a while and then most recently I would have to power off and on to get it moving but when I checked my speeds they were in the 2 digits, like 11 or so and I am paying xfinity for 200Mbps.  The maintenance guys kept telling me it could be the modem/router so I rented the Xfinity Gateway and my speeds are back to 198Mbps +/-.

So many complaints like this on the reviews and Arris now wants to charge you for any consultations and that is just not right.  I don’t think I want to purchase any more Arris items.  

I just want to know if there is a way to test a modem/router for problems.  Is there a particular maintenance type that can check it?

Interestingly this seems to be happening to my SBG6782-AC too. I”ve created a new topic on this issue too. Although I don’t have anything new to add to this thread I’ll post anything that will work for my situation.

Also having this exact same issue.  So +1 from me… 

Seems as though there is still no actual solution posted anywhere?  My old modem and router worked flawlessly and never had to be reset, so this has to be a G36 thing… 

What say you actual Arris people? What’s the plan to investigate and fix this for the people unfortunate enough to have this issue? 


Just had a thoroughly unhelpful chat with a support tech.  Asked me for my logs from the Connection>Status>WAN page and to copy in the upstream/downstream values.

Said that my downstream signal values looked good, but the upstream did not.  I was getting like 44, and that they should be 45.  All my subsequent internet research into DOCSIS3.1 modems shows that anything from 40-50 should be fine.

They told me to call Xfinity to have them :”re-provision my device”.  To which I asked several more questions about how being only 1 dBmV away from the upstream recommended spec would cause my modem to need to be rebooted every 2 days.  To which they responded “only they can adjust power levels”  Then the chat was cutoff abruptly 

So I feel like I was paid some lipservice, and they don’t know or care about getting things fixed.  

Transcript of the relevant portion of the chat below (which was emailed to me a few minutes after the chat ended) 

And one more annoying thing about the chat system, was that to get into the chat, you have to enter your model and SN of your device.  I did that on one screen, and then had to do it directly in the chat with the tech. I understand the need for Tech’s to verify that the device is under warranty to have support, but thier system can’t carry that over?  So for anyone who wants to initiate a chat, be sure to copy your SN from the first screen so you can paste it into the chat window… 

With that said, until I was cutoff, I did feel like the support tech wanted to help me find a solution. So that was helpful in some senses. 

Anyway, I guess I will now call Xfinity to see if they can “re-provision” my router, and try to explain upstream signal Power Levels to them and that apparently mine were too low.  I’ll post back here if there are any updates… 

For anyone still having this issue, suggest going through the Arris support chat and seeing if you get the same solution provided… And then maybe call Xfinity to have them “re-provision”  the router. 

Please do report back if you have better luck! 


( 14m 46s ) Sridevi S: Thank you for the information. Based on the values you have provided the downstream power and SNR values are in the acceptable range. But the upstream power level is almost near the acceptable range. It should be between 45 dbmv and 51 dbmv. Since it is 44 dbmv, I request you to contact your service provider and ask them to try re- provision the arris device.
( 15m 20s ) Me: Would that really lead to a slowness every 2 days that is fixed by rebooting? That does not seem to make sense to me...
( 16m 21s ) ME: And when you say "re-provision
( 16m 40s ) ME: "re-provision" what exactly does that mean? What exactly do I need to ask Xfinity to do?
( 18m 20s ) Sridevi S: Yes, for the cable modem to work properly, the cable signal should be in the acceptable range. If the cable signal fluctuates, then it will cause intermittent connection, speed issue and sometimes no connection at all.
( 19m 8s ) ME: Right. But how will me calling Xfinity fix this? Do they set the power levels in the modem? I'm just not understanding how Xfinity can set powerlevels in my modem?
( 21m 51s ) Sridevi S: Yes, they are the one who send the cable signals to your device via coaxial cable.
( 22m 9s ) Sridevi S: Only they can adjust the power levels.




Wow, thank you all for continuing the discussion, apparently I am not being notified when someone replies.

I get if a signal is slightly off, but when I reboot the g36 the numbers are the same or close enough and working at full speed again.  It is a degradation of service overtime. I will monitor my speed with xfinitys speed test and as time passes the speed becomes slower.

However when I have to reboot due to loss of network --- some of my devices say no DNS. I don't know how to troubleshoot if this is because of lack of connection to Xfinity vs actual lack of DNS service.

I believe this is a G36 issue because I do not see this issue searching the other non-surfboard Xfinity supported cable modems. OR the other companies have found a way to overcome this issue.