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I have an old Toshiba with this chip:


It runs dual band and 802.11ac as you can see.

I can't see the WiFi on the laptop: neither band shows up. I tried turning on secondary network and tried ALL encryption types and both bands, including Open access. No signal ever seen by laptop. I see them all on other devices, and no issues connecting. I see numerous other wifi networks in the area on the laptop and can connect no problem to other ones that are encrypted. 

Is this a compatibility problem that I don't understand?

Arris chat has not yet been helpful.

Thanks in advance.

what driver do you have installed? 

Make sure to get the newest one from intel as some of the older drivers couldn’t see AX wireless bands. 

Good question, will check after work.


Does that make sense though? I turned on the secondary network and that can transmit at various bands, no? or does it only transmit on “AX”?

You can disable AX to test it but by default, its enabled

Perfect thanks, how do I disable it? I haven't found that option in the settings..

I wouldn’t disable AX as its the whole point of upgrading routers. I’d try making sure you’re on the latest intel driver as some have issues. Make sure to get it direct from intel and not through windows updates

Totally agree. Still need to find the right driver update from Intel.. harder than I thought and it might be buried somewhere on an old page. Will let you know.


Also having a problem with a Samsung smart TV, circa 2017. Connects to wifi just fine, but then loses signal and have to forget/reconnect every few days. No error messages, just stops seeing the wifi network altogether. No updates available for the firmware, and Samsung is giving me the usual "try this" automated answer list of bs. Any suggestions?


Many thanks,

2 things. 

  1. what actual driver is installed for the card (check the device manager)? And what card is it? 
  2. are you using wpa3? If so, try setting security down to wap2

Cannot find a newer one to install. Intel has discontinued and removed driver from, and all other 3rd party sites claiming to let you download it just have some bloatware attached that you need to install first. Any reputable sources?


Changing from wpa3 to wpa2 does nothing. Removing all security as well still fails. Laptop cannot see any signal, and it is still broadcasting in wifi “6” according to my phone   

I don’t have a reputable site to download from. Intel has a auto-detect driver thing you can try.


You could also look up upgrading that card. I think the 9260ac is still supported and has a pci interface. 

Or you could look at picking up a cheap usb wireless adapter. 

I’d do something like that over trying to disable AX on the router and hobbling it. 

Thanks, I did try this already, but because the card is out of date and service has ended, Intel auto detect fails to find anything.


I don't want to disable AX, for the reasons you stated. I can broadcast a Wi-Fi signal from my phone to the computer, so for now that is getting me through.


Thanks for your help, did you have a chance to take a look on my question about losing Wi-Fi signal on Samsung TV earlier? Should I create a new post?



might try changing the wifi channel for the tv. maybe its an interference thing. 

also make sure you dont’t have any special characters/spaces in the ssid/password. 

Some IoT devices and smart tv’s struggle with those.