Personal information are:
- Email address
- Phone number
- Mailing or Billing Address
- Serial number
- CM-MAC address
- CMTS-MAC address
- Internet (WAN) IP Address
Personal Information should not be shared on the community when you’re creating a new topic, replying to a post, or other members. Our moderators will put their best foot forward in removing personal information on the community. However, if you come across a post with personal information, please report the post immediately for our moderators to address.
The serial number is located on the product settings page or on a label attached to the product. The CM-MAC address, CMTS-MAC address, and Internet (WAN) IP address are listed on the settings page or in the logs. Make sure to remove them when you copy & paste your product details to a post or from your screenshots.
SURFboard Moderator will not request your email address, phone number, or mailing or billing address. For troubleshooting purposes, they may request your product serial number or CM-MAC address for you to provide over private message to the SURFboard Moderator.