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Arris S33 Web Manager New Password Length Login Issue

  • 14 January 2024
  • 10 replies

I just purchased this modem yesterday.


What is the maximum number of characters when changing the default password for the Arris Web Manager website to something unique?


I successfully changed this to a 16 character password (documented in Last Pass) and the website confirmed my new password as having been applied.


When I now try to login with my new password, I can only enter the first 15 characters in the field and thus cannot login. What gives?


If the 16th character was silently ignored during new password creation, then the first 15 characters should suffice but it’s a no go with just the first 15.

Hope this article helps; S33: Web Manager Access


Thanks for the link!


I did stumble upon this before posting.


If it is indeed a 16 character maximum (like I entered), then why when logging in with the new password will the password entry field only accept 15 characters? You can try it yourself and see.


This may be website issue. Arris needs to permit the 16th character to be entered when logging in.



I had a chat today with Technical Support, but the agent didn’t really understand the website issue.

Yes, doing a modem reset and then choosing a new password of 15 characters or less should work.

However it doesn’t solve the underlying problem of being allowed to generate new passwords of up to 16 characters in length with which one subsequently cannot log in due to space limitations in the password entry field.




Thank you for contacting ARRIS Technical Support. You are receiving this message because you opted in to receive a copy of your chat transcript. Below is a copy of the transcript of your recent chat session.

If you need to contact ARRIS Technical Support, please reference your case number 2401-05059.

Thank you,
ARRIS Technical Support Team

Chat Started: Monday, January 15, 2024, 17:48:22 (+0000)

Chat Origin: Consumer Button


( 18s ) AGENT: Hi, Welcome to ARRIS Consumer Support. I’d be happy to assist you today.
Would you please confirm your product’s model number?
( 36s ) ME: S33
( 1m 3s ) AGENT: Thank you for the model number, how may help you
( 1m 8s ) ME: This is an issue not directly related to the modem.
( 1m 20s ) ME: New Arris S33 modem since 01/13/2024.

Strange and unexpected problem with your Web Manager website at

Successfully changed default password to a new, unique 16 character password which was confirmed as successfully applied.

A 16 character password is permitted according to this document:

When prompted to then login with this new password, I could only enter 15 characters in the entry field. The crucial final character cannot be entered, no room. Login unsuccessful.

Why does your login field not allow for 16 characters to be entered? If you want to limit everything to a 15 character maximum password then why allow a 16 character one to be created in the first place?

This is something that should be corrected on your website. I know my password but cannot enter it due to space limitations. A modem reset should not be necessary.

Please advise.
( 2m 2s ) AGENT: Please give me some time
( 2m 16s ) ME: Yes, no hurry.
( 9m 10s ) AGENT: I completely understand your issue and I am sorry for the inconvenience and have you logged in with the new changed password at least once.
( 10m 11s ) ME: Are you facing this issue right from creating the password
( 10m 46s ) ME: I have not been able to login with the new changed password since it is 16 characters long but the website login field only lets me enter 15 characters.
( 11m 28s ) ME: Perhaps, you should contact someone to update the website so that it accepts a 16 character password for login.
( 12m 27s ) ME: Your website allows for new 16 character passwords to be created but the login field only accepts 15 characters.
( 13m 12s ) ME: This may be an issue to escalate up to the Webmaster for this site to have this corrected.
( 13m 23s ) ME: The modem itself works fine.
( 13m 33s ) ME: This is just a website login issue.
( 25m 27s ) AGENT: Yes, can we try a factory reset to the device please?
( 28m 23s ) ME: No, I don't want to reset the modem now. I can do that later if I need to access the website using a shorter password.
( 28m 27s ) ME: This is a website issue. You need to escalate the matter to someone who can correct/update the login field to accept 16 characters just like the passwords that are created.
( 29m 42s ) ME: Your website should not create/accept 16 character passwords if it is impossible to log in with them.
( 32m 22s ) AGENT: Please do a factory reset and it will certainly work
( 35m 23s ) ME: You should ask a supervisor/manager why the login field at only accepts 15 characters but the website itself when first creating a new password accepts up to 16 characters. If this is left as it is, then all users with 16 character passwords will be locked out of website access.
( 36m 47s ) ME: I can always do a factory reset later and create a password that is 15 characters or shorter the next time around but it shouldn't be necessary if the website is properly updated.

Have you performed factory reset the modem S33?

Is that the problem persists after reset?

A factory reset of the modem should solve the problem by letting me once again select a new password of 15 characters or less in length. 

I will do this if and when I need to access the Web Manager interface.

However, my issue/problem/question is the following:

Why does Web Manager let the user generate/select a new password of up to 16 characters in length, confirm that it has been successfully applied, and then when logging in with this new password for the very first time let the user enter a maximum of only 15 characters in the password field?

This makes no sense!

You are effectively locking out all new users who have unfortunately chosen a 16-character password and forcing them to factory reset and try again with a shorter password.

If the user has successfully created a new 16-character password, it should be possible to enter all 16 characters when logging in.

Either the password entry field on your website needs to be updated to accept 16 characters or the new passwords that are created and applied should be limited to 15 and NOT 16 characters.

Thank you for letting us about this issue. Could you help me with Firmware version for the modem.


The SURFboard Central Smartphone App provides no firmware information, just “NA” under firmware.

I would need to access the Web Manager site to find this information.

However, I am currently locked out until I perform a factory reset of the modem since I cannot fit my new 16-character password in the 15-character login screen provided.

I don’t want to reset right now and set up my network once again since everything has been working fine.

I can give you the modem serial number if that helps. It was just purchased on 13 JAN 2024.


If you are unable to login the GUI web portal, I suggest to launch a web browser and enter in the address box as

In the login screen, under username and password, there is an option as DEVICES.

Please select that option, to check the firmware version.

Thank you. I wasn’t aware of that option.


The firmware version is TB01.03.001.11_051722_212.S3.

Thank you Cellular_Matrix. We have reported the issue to our developers.