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Hi. I’ve spoken with Optimum, and the SB6190 is supported by their service.  Before I get started disconnecting the TM822 and connecting the new SB6190, would be great to get some input from experienced people here.  I have a Linksys EA7400 wireless router connected and working presently, I’m hoping that it won’t be an issue to connect to the new SB6190.

Possibly any videos which might help if/when running into any issues?

Thanks very much.

shouldn’t be. Should be pretty easy if optimum has switched it in their system. 

My only recommendation would be to return the SB6190 for a docsis 3.1 device as many of the ISP’s are switching to docsis 3.1

That’s very helpful, TY.  Would you happen to know what the best method is, hardware or software, for security purposes?  I’m told that it’s very possible for a computer to be hacked (correct term?) right thru the cable modem.  I’m not sure if that’s true but if so I’d like to try and prevent it.

If you go modem---->router---->pc, then its more challenging and is more about you giving people your information versus them being able to remote access it. 

Not sure what you mean by hardware or software. What do you mean by that? 

I was reading this article which mentioned hardware and software firewalls.

I do plan on doing more research, but over the years I’ve gotten some great advice in forums like this from people like you.

the average user is fine with using their router as a firewall. 

A legit firewall, has some management features that take more advanced knowledge of. 
if you’re a fairly simple user, a router should be fine. 

Your biggest thing to watch for is the emails/posts/etc that have links or phishing attempts. Those are what get most users. 

DOCSIS 3.1 modem like the SB8200 is going to have better security than DOCSIS 3.0 modem like the SB6190. 

Generally you just call your provider and give them the MAC address of your new modem.

You can explore the gateway of the old modem first for clues how the router needs to be setup or chat with Optimum before you lose your connection.

Very hard to find detailed instructions for even a simple modem reset without talking to a rep.

Since you say the SB6191 is still supported optimum should push the latest firmware once connected. 

I’m still using an old SB6141 from 2013

WOW pushed new firmware in 2019. 

The SB6141 lost support on WOW in 2021. 

That probably means if I reset my 6141 to factory defaults it could not be provisioned. .

Small details like that are important to understand.

In your case you can always reprovision the old system if a new configuration doesn’t work out.