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SB6190 - Dropping connection

  • 22 July 2023
  • 3 replies

My SB6190 stopped working 7-18-23, after only 7 months.  I called ARRIS support, they said the modem was in warranty. We troubleshooted the modem for about 30-40 minutes. I didn't have a hard wire to connect my computer to so the ARRIS rep said he would call back at 7pm on Wednesday. In the meantime I troubleshooted the modem again with Spectrum. Spectrum could tell that there was noise that was coming into the Modem causing it to drop, however outbound transmission was clear. I did hardwire on Wednesday while waiting for the ARRIS rep. Same outcome, it would connect, then drop. When I didn’t hear from the rep, I went to Spectrum to get a modem as it was critical I had connection as I work from home. Today (7-22-2023) I called Arris again. The rep wanted to walkthrough the entire troubleshooting process AGAIN. I said I was not disconnecting my hardware because I already wasted 2 hrs between them and Spectrum. I asked for a refund and she stated their policy is that they don't provide refunds. I cant get a refund from Best Buy because it is outside the return period.  This is absolutely dissatisfying and a consumer ripoff. I will never again buy this brand.    

Hi SKATER4866,


We sincerely apologize for the bad experience you had gone through, we can help you with warranty claims, you may reach out to our live support at

Let us know if this helps. 


I reached out to the live support . Spend 30 min explaining that I work from home and needed a modem , so I went to Spectrum TV and purchased one. She stated that arris does not give refunds. Which again this modem is 7 months old. 


Hi SKATER4866,

Apologies for any inconvenience caused. As per Arris policy, If the modem is over a month old and was not purchased from, refunds will not be provided, but in the case of a warranty claim, we will gladly provide a replacement.