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Slow speed internet on SB6190

  • December 16, 2023
  • 1 reply


I went to Xfinity and after a lot of troubleshooting they said that my surfboard docsis 3.0 cable modem (SB6190) came up as flagged for the reason for why my internet was slow and everything was good on their side. What could be happening with the modem? 

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Basically slow speed, intermittent connection or no internet access occurs usually out of cable signal level, out of acceptable range and it will be resolved after the power level are adjusted by the service provider. So for this we need to check the cable signal level to confirm what causing this issue to proceed further. Please follow the steps mentioned on the below article to check the signal level and also let us know the what is your current speed plan with your service provider and the speed test results.

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