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Arris sb8200 revision or version number?


Good morning,


Have a brand new SB8200 that's never been opened but I purchased it in 2019 and its just been in storage. Want to replace the current SB6183 I am using with Charter Spectrum. I need to determine the revision or version number to make sure its at minimum version 2 per Charters approved modem list. I have checked on the box and the modem itself but there is no version number listed. Is there a way to determine the version number from the s/n, etc? I am pretty sure it will be fine as the 6183 I have been using has been working fine on the acct since 2014 but just want to be sure.


  • Juggernaut
  • March 30, 2023

did you try activating it with them? 

My in-laws have an original sb8200 on spectrum 


Thanks for the reply. No havent done so yet as it is for my parents who live elsewhere and I will be completing the swap in a couple of weeks. I am guessing it will be fine as they are just going to push out there own firmware as soon as it is connected and provisioned on the acct. Just wanted to double check


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