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I have talked to Cox Tech support twice, they did everything on their end to setup the SB8200.

They sent rests to the modem 5 separate times and I unplugged it everytime, the modem does not respond. All the lights go green and only one eventually turns solid blue….absolutley nothing else happens after at least 1.5 hourse on the phone with Cox Tech support.

I need this unit replaced.

SB8200 is just a cable modem so you need a direct connection to test the modem nd the light status on the modem should be green or blue to get internet so since the modem the lights are proper please check for the IPV4 address on the device connected to the modem using command prompt and check if you are able to access modem interface on direct connection if the site is accessible and the modem IP is valid that shows your modem is working fine. If still any issue persist please reach out to for further assistance if your modem is under warranty.