Yesterday afternoon my internet cut out and I have been unable to restore it. I checked with my ISP and they aren’t showing any outages in my area, and tried resetting my network on their end but are unable to communicate with my modem. The upstream light on my SB8200 consistently blinks despite resets and factory resets. I logged on to my Connection pages and Event Logs.
On my connection page it shows Acquire Downstream Channel-813000000 Hz -Locked
Connectivity State-In Progress- Upstream Parameters Acquired
Boot State-In Progress-Unknown
Configuration File-In Progress-
DOCSIS Network Access Enabled-Denied
My downstream and upstream bonded channels seem to have proper power and SNR outputs.
On my Event Log
Event Level 3 with description “No ranging response received - T3 time-out”
Event level 5 with description “B-INIT-RNG Failure - Retries exceeded”
Thank you for any help!