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Can any of you having problems accessing the 8200 even access its built in mini-webserver?

There is no combination of IP addresses and methods suggested that will work. All I ever get is are “not responding” and “time out” messages from the browser. (The same browser that accesses the router with no issues.)

This Modem is new and works perfectly but I need to see my bonding parameters because the cable company is having challenges in my area and needs feedback from my end. Their tech support said that Arris Modems are famous for being inaccessible for unknown reasons. Has anyone had success with a method not already suggested above?



Since you are unable to access the GUI web portal, I would suggest following the instructions given on the below link:

I tried both the wi-fi and wired versions of this solution. Neither work. This is one the exact same system that 10 days ago, before installing the Arris, was able to access the previous (Motorola) Modem that was installed and the one before that.

In speaking with Mediacom tech support again, I learned that they shut off customer access to the modems they lease to customers. Is it possible that this cable company has turned off access to the modem that I own?



Could you disconnect the coaxial cable and check if you can access the GUI web portal without it?





Thanks. The modem, router, etc. are in a high location. I’ll give that a try when i can shut the system down. However, unless it leads to normal access while converting signal, it will not be helpful to access a disconnected modem.  

whos’ your isp? A couple ISP’s lock down the GUI because it does allow home users to check their connections for optimal strengths. And when it isn’t, the ISP has to fix it. So not all allow it. 

Mediacom. I wonder how they can get away with that on your personal modem and if there is a way around it. My network topology software can’t find it and reported the Host as down but a deep scan came up with these mostly private addresses:

Nmap scan report for
Host is up.
All 1000 scanned ports on are in ignored states.
Not shown: 1000 filtered tcp ports (no-response)
Too many fingerprints match this host to give specific OS details

TRACEROUTE (using proto 1/icmp)
1   2.00 ms
2   14.00 ms
3   13.00 ms
4   15.00 ms
5   16.00 ms (