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Having issues with Spotify and Android TV box. Never happened to my Netgear cable modem previously. Already turned off firewall - must be something with the settings? 

Please shed me some light for this - or else I have to buy another cable modem only device... 

well, you didn’t really give us much to go off 

  1. are you on 2.4gh? 5gh? wired? what android box/spotify  device is this? Details are key.
  2. are you using ipv6
  3. what speeds do you pay for? 
  4. what speeds do you get?
  5. Is it all the time? only some of the time? specific apps with the andoid box? all apps?

Details are key when trying to help over forum support. the more you can tell us whats going on, what you’ve tried, your setup, and any other details you can think off, the better we can help. 

1. Built-in Wi-Fi was turned off as I am running Nest Wifi


2. A mix of ipv4 and v6


3. Currently running 500Mbps and planning to upgrade to 1.2G therefore the cable modem upgrade 


4. 550+Mbps currently 


5. Happened all the time even with Spotify.

Android TV box is UBTV



turning off wifi doesn’t turn off the routing functions on that modem/router. and using a nest with it causes a double nat (and can give you those issues). 

try putting the modem/router into modem only modem. 

General FAQs: SBG7600AC2: Bridge Mode Setup


Will give that a try and report back…



Changed the Arris to bridge mode and worked like a charm! 😁


Thank you so much for the help! 🎉