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I am having issues connecting to the internet with my new SGB8300 modem.  Service is through Cox and they confirmed that they are seeing the modem and everything on their end is connected.  I am unable to get connected via both wifi and LAN line.  The error is connected but no internet.  I have restarted/reset the modem several times with no avail.


Any help would be greatly appreciated on how to get connected to the internet.

Got a screensnip of the cable connections page (shows upstream/downstream values to check the line)?

Absolutely.  Also including some correctable errors.

This was a brand new unit.


yeah, your power levels look pretty spot on with only a few errors. 

How about the logs? 

Did you have them try re-provisioning it? I’ve had them send the wrong provisioning file before

I will reach out and have them re-provision it.

Here is a snip of the logs, the 4 same errors on repeat.


Appears to be stuck in self registration mode per Cox.

Re-provisioning was successful.

Thank you, appreciate your assistance

So you got it working?
Glad to hear it!

Yep. Cox Tech Tier 2 pulled up the provisioning along with the error pulled from the router and found the issue quickly. They reprovisioned the modem and we are online.  

Thank you again.