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My brand new surfboard 8300, runs at ~ 100f . This is on a shelf with nothing around it.  Picked up a small desk fan and that keeps the Modem at 75f or so, but the fan needs to run constantly,

Its not unusual for devices to run around that 100f mark. My RAXE500 runs around that temp but its a little newer and higher powered. 

One thing you can check though is the modem signal level. to high of a signal can cause them to run warm. 

(a screen snip helps)

And a fan is never a bad idea. I’ve used laptop coolers before on my more expensive routers/gateways to cool them as heat is the death of electronics


Hi Reklund,

As you had mentioned the modem temperature runs from -100f and 75f with the help of a fan, please check if the modem is hot to the touch (not bearable) then would advise disconnecting the modem and contacting arris by reaching 

If you have any questions let us know.

