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I just started my XFinity service and I purchased an SBG8300 for both my modem and router. I am not able to connect to any websites besides google, youtube, instagram etc. I realized that I am only able to connect to websites with IPv6. When I log into my modem, I see that the WAN IPv4 is and the WAN IPv6 is something. 

I believe I am not receiving an IPv4 and so I cannot use many websites. If I check using whatismyip, I don’t get any result for IPv4, but I do for IPv6. If I use the command prompt to ping google, it works using ping -6 but not using ping-4.

Is there anything on the modem end that could be done to further troubleshoot or is this an issue with my ISP?


You just described EXACTLY our case at home.

No IPv4. Yes IPv6. Means sites like netflix work, others like ebay don’t work.

I have started complains to Xfinity and they are sending a technician soon. They send the first one, no luck, because it was only the one checking for signal power on the coaxial line.

They say a “Tier 2” technician is needed. I will keep you updated, since I am now waiting.

Please, please, post the answer if you get it working on your side!


Did you try a factory reset? 

Are you using any vpn’s or different DNS servers?

The one pressing the reset button with a paperclip? Yep done. Vanilla conf. No VPN. Tried both comcast dns and google dns, no changes

when you set it with google for ipv4 dns, are you able to ping an ipv4 address through the command prompt?

Nope! My guess is dfinity is jot provisioning the sbg8300 with a valid ipv4 address

got the old modem sitting around? 

Reason I ask is I hate talking to crapcast. Its always an hour to get anywhere decent. 

If you do, try re-adding the old modem, then re-do the sbg8300. That forces them to reprovision the sbg8300 without having to call them. 


I dont have an old modem, I am jot the original poster. Sorry for the confusion. Although maybe it will work for the original poster. I tried unpowering 15 minutes for the same reason, reprovisioning, but I ended up with same IP. Maybe they are even giving owners of SBG8300 being foreign devices to them, bad IPs on purpose?

When you re-provisioned. Did you contact xfinity to do so? If not, try that

Tomorrow is my first option. Ask them id my current wan ip and wan gateway ip make sense and ask them to deactivate and activate the gateway again but they won’t do anything, they answer like the customer never knows what is talking about

I think they censored my last message. Yea I will try to deactivate and activate again the device tomorrow to force a brand new provisioning.

I’m having the exact same problem. Xfinity says everything looks good on their end and there’s nothing they can do. I tried everything else everyone is listing here. Any other recommendations?

I’m having the exact same problem. Xfinity says everything looks good on their end and there’s nothing they can do. I tried everything else everyone is listing here. Any other recommendations?

Since you are experiencing with the same issue, I suggest you to change the DNS server and check whether any changes in the behavior.

To change the same, let me share you the link for your reference:

Changing the DNS does nothing