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For a newly installed SBV3202 with Comcast, everything is working great for both internet and voice but there’s one remaining irritating problem: regardless of Comcast voicemail status I get a stutter tone before every dial tone. Comcast tech came out and we could not clear it, including communicating with the central office who reprovisioned the modem, reset all features on the headend switch, and we of course power cycled the modem. We also tried it with the battery installed and without.

More details: Battery LED is always off, I get reasonable text on the modem’s CM State page of “No Status Reported” and with the battery in it shows a Battery Serial Number and Part Number. The SBV3202 manual says on p. 21, “The SBV3202 will transmit a two-second stutter tone when the battery level is low.” But I don’t think it’s low (Batt LED off, modem works fine when I pull the plug). Again, I tested this both with battery IN and OUT.

Has anybody else experienced this, or any more ideas? It’s not an emergency but (1) it’s annoying, and (2) I’ve lost my voicemail indicator if it’s always stuttering.


Thanks! - Dave

Hello drossetti


I think you could give it a try to a reset it to rule out any kind of software issue, to do it, you can follow this step:



  1. Carefully insert a pointed non-metallic object into the reset button and press on for 10 seconds.

    User-added image



Hello Moderator,

Just to clarify, is the reset you describe different from power cycling the modem by unplugging AC power and replugging it in? I ask because we have been through many many power cycles and see the same behavior.

Thx, - Dave R.

Oh, and more importantly, is it okay to do this on Comcast service? I absolutely don’t want to have to involve Comcast in a re-provisioning of the modem -- I would be down for a long time.

Dave R.

Okay, I took the leap and did the factory reset. Modem (internet and voice) came back okay but the stutter dial tone is still present, so no solution yet.

Dave R.

For the benefit of anyone else having the same stutter before dial tone problem with the SBV3202 on Comcast, even though it is marked SOLVED above -- it is NOT solved. I did the reset described above and also ensured that all voicemails were marked “heard”, and the stutter continues. Any other ideas welcome!

I am of course still puzzled why there aren’t 100s of users seeing the same problem. There must be many many Comcast users using voice and voicemail with this SBV3202 product.


Dave R.

I will finally answer how I “solved” this stutter before dial tone problem: I migrated to a new Arris T25 modem and voila! the stutter went away with the SBV3202. Lol. And there’s an added bonus, the stutter comes on when a voicemail arrives, then goes away when it’s deleted, just like a normal telephone setup.

So the T25 seems to act competently with my Xfinity triple play.


Dave R.
