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I was upgraded to Frontier fiber optics on July 14.2022. I previously had Frontier DSL/Broadband Max.

I was issued a Network Extender through Verizon to boost my cell signal. It worked great with my DSL. it hasn't worked since I got Frontier fiber optics and a brand new Arris MVG468MQ router. 

My Network Extender 'thinks' that it is looks as if it is working...but people cannot hear a 

word I say anymore when I call them. No ones phone will work in my house...they can call, but no one can hear them either.  My phone works fine everywhere but in or outside my house. It isn't my phone.Verizon says it's Frontier's problem.  Frontier says it isn't's Verizon. 

It's been over a month of not being able to make calls from my house and have anyone hear me. 

I really need my phone to work.  I've tried adjusting some configurations in my no avail. 

Nothing I've read to try, works.  My Net Extender still looks like it is working...but there is NO OUTGOING

AUDIO.  Incoming audio is as it should be. 

Somebody must know something...Frontier doesn't get it, Verizon doesn't get it...they don't listen, they have no solutions, they blame each other. 

Help??  Thank you. 




What model extender is it? 


It is an "ASK-SFE116 LTE Network Extender" that Verizon sent me. 

I was on the phone ALL DAY with Verizon Tier Two Tech yesterday, and 

I think the answer to my problem is that something in the Firewall of my 

brand new Arris NVG 468MQ router, is not letting my cell phone audio 

connect as it just should, seeing as this Network Extender is 'supposed 

to be' Plug n Play. 

Frontier, (the day before) told me that "All the ports are open."

I don't think he knew what he was talking about…

I have to figure out how to get the ports open that need to be open, and how

to get this Network Extender to be BEHIND the Firewall…

I am NOT any sort of technician, although I am getting closer to be able to 

work on the Tech Support Tier One Team for Frontier.

Thank you for any help you can provide. 

I don’t have that specific router but does it have a DMZ option? If it does, add the LTE extenders IP address into the DMZ


Thank you.

Yes. It does have a DMZ option.

I know there's something about the DMZ being enabled or disabled and making the network extender have a  "static IP". 

I have to figure out how to do that and see if maybe that will work.

Thanks again.


Final Answer to my own question....NO. 

Time to change carriers...UNCLE.