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Working on my dad’s SurfBoard 6700. Using a mac via Safari. I can access the modem after bypassing the secure connection warnings, then entering the logon credentials. However, I get his page displayed 


Sure can't do anything with THAT.

Something is blocking the full page access.

Hello randy431,


Removing the coaxial cable may help to do this by passing this issue. Having said that, a Factory Reset without the coaxial cable usually helps. 
Another possible way to do fix this would be to clear cache and data on your browser to try one more time.

Have you tried to test other browsers like Firefox, Edge, Opera…?

Let us know if this helps.

Yes, tried all of that. Tried using a tablet and Samsung browser, nothing helps. Tried using an old Windows computer that has not been updated, still not able to get into the ARRIS modem settings screen. Thing is, I wanted to talk or chat with ARRIS tech support but because this model is old and out of warranty ARRIS wants to charge a fee to talk to tech support which is ridiculous and the fee is more than the modem is worth. For the fee I could just buy a different new cable modem. Sad to toss out a perfectly good working modem simply because ARRIS tech refuses to support their own  products. I can get into my Centurylink DSL modem settings just fine with no security issues or blocks. And using the ARRIS app to access is worthless because the app does not support older models either.  
