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Seeing large number of correctable and uncorrectable errors when accessing cable modem.

Not sure what would cause these.

Access cable modem info using

and have setup a script that captures info every 30 minutes.

while :
wget2 --no-check-certificate
sleep 1800

have another script that extracts data into a spreadsheet, and then note changes in max errors from each 30 minute block.

Latest results


With comparison date of different blocks looking like this.


Looked for info on what powerlevels and other things should be.

Saw one thing saying the powerlevels should be between 15 and -15?

Was getting numbers lower than -15, so disconnect everything but cable modem, and got power level numbers to sometimes have levels in positive range and under -10. But even then would see these correctable and uncorrectable numbers spike at time.

Don’t know if these are normal or not. Occasionally have lost network access and rebooting modem brings it back up. Has a tech come out and check things, and he replaced splitters and redid cable to cable modem.

Is there documentation to explain the values are if this is normal or not.

Talked with tech over phone, but only real options given is to reboot modem with unplugging power and coax.

Get good speed connections when working. 50+M on my 50M connection.

Script I use to pull date from status files is

rm out.csv
for a in $(ls -1rt status_cgi*); do ls -l $a | cut -b 25-60 >>out.csv; cat $a | sed 's/<tr>/\n/g' | grep "Downstream " | sed 's/<td>/,/g;s_</td>_ _g;s_</tr>__g'| grep "^,Downstream" | cut -b 2-100  >>out.csv ; done
libreoffice out2.ods

would like to get the most out of system.

Thanks for any info.

You have a ton of errors in the line and the power is out of spec. did you contact the ISP to have them check the line? 

Few  week ago, they had a tech come out to check readings on lines. Had some device to check signal, and with it said looking a number under 12, but don’t know exactly what that number was or if it was 12 or -12 value? what are the power specs that it should be in?

Have a script and spreadsheet that have been monitoring status for last 24 hours that gets the data form the status, and monitoring the changes in max uncorrectiable errors from each 30 minute report. many cycles show no changes, but others have what look like large jumps.

Also, do a speedcheck test using speedtest.cli on 4 on Island speedtest servers and one in San Diego and all report 50+M with no errors.  

Latest data is

RF Parameters

Downstream QAM

  DCID Freq Power SNR Modulation Octets Correcteds Uncorrectables
Downstream 1 6 561.00 MHz -2.60 dBmV 37.36 dB 256QAM 3366801748 7009 79679
Downstream 2 5 555.00 MHz -2.40 dBmV 36.61 dB 256QAM 383306908 11587 76487
Downstream 3 7 567.00 MHz -2.80 dBmV 37.36 dB 256QAM 374238342 6799 80193
Downstream 4 8 573.00 MHz -2.90 dBmV 36.61 dB 256QAM 295245776 6606 78725
Downstream 5 9 579.00 MHz -3.20 dBmV 36.61 dB 256QAM 202395060 6237 80924
Downstream 6 10 585.00 MHz -3.10 dBmV 36.61 dB 256QAM 291928758 8004 80090
Downstream 7 11 591.00 MHz -3.60 dBmV 36.61 dB 256QAM 299631685 5104 82230
Downstream 8 12 597.00 MHz -3.70 dBmV 36.61 dB 256QAM 366735333 5282 86020
Downstream 9 13 603.00 MHz -4.20 dBmV 36.39 dB 256QAM 368990623 5896 85436
Downstream 10 14 609.00 MHz -4.70 dBmV 36.39 dB 256QAM 311370986 4547 48148
Downstream 11 15 615.00 MHz -5.10 dBmV 36.39 dB 256QAM 327752226 1751 28013
Downstream 12 16 621.00 MHz -5.50 dBmV 36.39 dB 256QAM 315520566 1565 58255
Downstream 13 28 627.00 MHz -5.90 dBmV 35.08 dB 256QAM 322463045 2082 53733
Downstream 14 29 633.00 MHz -6.20 dBmV 35.60 dB 256QAM 359769415 2418 60888
Downstream 15 30 639.00 MHz -6.90 dBmV 35.08 dB 256QAM 335905176 2455 45356
Downstream 16 31 645.00 MHz -7.10 dBmV 35.08 dB 256QAM 335667106 2412 66897
Downstream 17 32 651.00 MHz -7.20 dBmV 34.48 dB 256QAM 400414554 2471 36590
Downstream 18 1 663.00 MHz -6.60 dBmV 34.93 dB 256QAM 323361826 1804 27081
Downstream 19 2 669.00 MHz -6.70 dBmV 35.78 dB 256QAM 353255147 2476 69794
Downstream 20 3 675.00 MHz -6.70 dBmV 35.60 dB 256QAM 363826638 1948 45285
Downstream 21 4 681.00 MHz -6.60 dBmV 35.78 dB 256QAM 354066355 1951 70956
Downstream 22 17 687.00 MHz -6.90 dBmV 35.60 dB 256QAM 2328873134 1710 50928
Downstream 23 18 693.00 MHz -7.10 dBmV 35.08 dB 256QAM 366929045 2628 61239
Downstream 24 19 699.00 MHz -7.40 dBmV 35.08 dB 256QAM 291031844 2037 50761
Downstream 25 20 705.00 MHz -7.90 dBmV 34.93 dB 256QAM 387540896 3358 84119
Downstream 26 21 711.00 MHz -8.30 dBmV 35.08 dB 256QAM 2355347200 3447 84659
Downstream 27 22 717.00 MHz -8.70 dBmV 34.48 dB 256QAM 2388438848 3197 84507
Downstream 28 23 723.00 MHz -9.30 dBmV 34.35 dB 256QAM 286284126 5430 89868
Downstream 29 24 729.00 MHz -9.70 dBmV 33.96 dB 256QAM 311802856 5003 89371
Downstream 30 25 735.00 MHz -9.60 dBmV 33.96 dB 256QAM 256427314 13146 90847
Downstream 31 26 741.00 MHz -9.60 dBmV 33.83 dB 256QAM 292445007 29450 65515
Downstream 32 27 747.00 MHz -9.80 dBmV 33.49 dB 256QAM 294767832 34736 58457

Reset FEC Counters

Downstream OFDM

  FFT Type Channel Width(MHz) # of Active Subcarriers First Active Subcarrier(MHz) Last Active Subcarrier(MHz) Average RxMER(dB)
Pilot PLC Data

Upstream QAM

  UCID Freq Power Channel Type Symbol Rate Modulation
Upstream 1 4 22.40 MHz 37.50 dBmV DOCSIS2.0 (ATDMA) 2560 kSym/s 64QAM
Upstream 2 3 27.20 MHz 38.75 dBmV DOCSIS2.0 (ATDMA) 5120 kSym/s 64QAM
Upstream 3 2 33.60 MHz 40.00 dBmV DOCSIS2.0 (ATDMA) 5120 kSym/s 64QAM
Upstream 4 1 38.40 MHz 40.50 dBmV Mixed (TDMA and ATDMA) 2560 kSym/s 16QAM

Upstream OFDM

  FFT Type Channel Width(MHz) # of Active Subcarriers First Active Subcarrier(MHz) Last Active Subcarrier(MHz) Tx Power(dBmV)
System Uptime: 1 😛 2 h: 01 m
Computers Detected: staticCPE(1), dynamicCPE(2)
CM Status: Telephony-Reg Complete
Time and Date: Thu 2023-05-11 08:03:56
 Interface Parameters
Interface Name Provisioned State Speed (Mbps) MAC address
LAN Port 1 Enabled Up 1000 (Full) A8:70:5D:B3:6E:98
LAN Port 2 Enabled Up 100 (Full) A8:70:5D:B3:6E:98
LAN Port 3 Enabled Down ----- A8:70:5D:B3:6E:98
LAN Port 4 Enabled Down ----- A8:70:5D:B3:6E:98
CABLE Enabled Up ----- A8:70:5D:B3:6E:99
MTA PassWithWarnings Up ----- A8:70:5D:B3:6E:9A
  Upstream Range Downstream Range Current Band Setting
Band 0 5 MHz-85 MHz 108 MHz-1002 MHz  
Band 1 5 MHz-42 MHz 108 MHz-1002 MHz X



Your power should be between -7.5dbmv and 7.5dbmv. And the channels should all be within 4dbmv of each other. 

Plus they aren’t that balanced. Your downstream power levels are really low but the upstream is also low. If the downstream power levels are low, it usually means you’re a ways away from the hub and need higher upstream power to send back to it. But your upstream is lower than what it should be. 

So either you’re close to the hub and have something blocking the downstream (most likely) , or you’re far away and something is causing the upstream to think its closer. 

Will pass info on to ISP. Don’t know how far I am from access point. this is a coax cable system. Knew DSL had bigger issues with distance. Wish I could find documentation that explains this, but so far haven’t found it. Will see what they come back with.


Got a reply from ISP, and they mention Packet Ace program, but find links to it, but none of options actual does download. Looks like Arris was bought or merged to another company, so gets redirected to page??

Have setup a script that downloads status page ever 30 minutes. Then pull data into spread sheet.

Compare uncorrectable errors with last block, and have had like 12 spikes where it has over 10,000 errors or change.

Graph of error changes

This is with a TM3402A cable modem.

Monitoring the max/min power levels for each block doesn’t show info.

Power levels Max/Min for each block same time period.

Some of spikes have happened when I’m not using computers, so not sure if is something random in area?

Of 214 30 minute periods
182 with 0 errors, then <100, <1000, <10000.

Don’t know if this Packet Ace program would work for me.
