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New user senior. HELP! Recommendations.

Multi issues.

Can’t log in web interface.

Can’t check speed (1.2 GB), Failed to configure. (sometimes speed posted on home page network) speed)

2-3 service calls at install not much help. Changed/name password after install; - won’t hold?

Why sometimes 5G devise change to 2.4. Not sure one device lost connection and complete network not working?

I would have returned but spend too much time configuring all devices WIFI ETC. will monitor!

Many devices unknown? Why duplicate network as secondary home?

App needs updates? Can’t use PC OR MAC FOR APP or web interface.



Hello ss122sb,


I have a lot of questions to know better how we can proceed. First, when you tried accessing the Web Interface, what happened? did you get an error message or something else happened? .

When you say you changed the WiFi name but it didn’t hold you mean that you changed it and it didn’t remain with that name? 


If you were able to check the connected devices and see some of them as unknown this is usually related to the MAC address of the devices meaning that the manufacturer of the device could not have given a name to it so it displays like that. 


When you say duplicate network exactly what do you mean? let’s remember that the G36 will be a dual band device, meaning that you will see 2 networks: a 2.4 GHz network and a 5 Ghz one. If this is not what you’re referring to, are you seeing the guests networks?