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s33 drops internet several times a day and huge number of Uncorrectables

Same modem same problem!
Just got done talking with my ISP (Astound Broadband), they see nothing wrong on their end, but said it appears that an update is trying to download and that I should reach out to the manufacturer to see if they could get this update pushed through.
Everything was working fine until just over 2 weeks ago, then constant drops and having to reboot often.
May need to consider a different modem if this can’t be resolved.

mine started just about 2 months ago. it would go off here and there but nothing like is has been. 

All the cable signals are in range, I suggest you to contact internet service provider to Re-provisioning the modem.

SURFboard Moderator,


You are not helping anyone.  Your spitting out the same line of call the service provider?  Your not helping anyone on these posts?  It has nothing to do with the model number.  How do we test the modem on it’s own to make sure it works?  If you don’t know or there is no way to test it on it’s own, then just say that.  If you did say that, I would have to say your dodging the question or you really don’t know!

So, come clean with everyone!

I apologize for the inconvenience, It is simple cable modem, so there is no much additional configuration in it. Since all the signals are in range and enquired about the correctable and uncorrectable, we suggest you to R-Re-provisioning the modem to fix it. If the problem persists after Re-provisioning, you can visit

Also, please check whether the modem is rebooting without co-axial cable.

Ok, Comcast just left.  I'm starting off with what I found over the last month of this issue starting.

1. Comcast had a price for $35 vs my current $50. I took it and the problem started that day.  75mbps, new rate 100mbps.

2. They illuminated the modem of the 3.0 and you must have the 3.1, otherwise, in my opinion, they redirect to you with the dropping of the speeds.  I was going from 5mbps to 75mbps.

3.  I have no idea if it's going to work, because my computer is about 5 years old and, does need updating. They gave me a 30 days to test the modem combo for free. They want an extra $15 for rental.  

The 4 weeks with Comcast, could have been eliminated,if they were straight forward from the beginning. 3 crews came out and each crew had a different look on the situation.  On the phone, when you got a human, same thing, every had a little different take.

SURFboard Moderator ,


Here you go with the mumbo jumbo!!!

Listen, why can’t you just respond in a reasonable fashion and in simple means, not using big words and metaphors to explain, in your case, nothing., This doesn’t make you smarter. You have responded by saying nothing and it’s clear you like to hear yourself in your own mind!


Please stop responding if you have nothing constructive to say!

Mine is doing the same. Checked the up and down levels. 
wireless router is ok. 
modem drops every 15 minutes. 

I checked my event log today and i’m getting some new errors,


13:46:45    5    RNG-RSP CCAP Commanded Power in Excess of 6 dB Below the Value Corresponding to the Top of the DRW;CM-MAC=ac:db:48:bc:71:2f;CMTS-MAC=00:01:5c:83:64:7c;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
13:46:45    5    Dynamic Range Window violation
13:46:45    5    RNG-RSP CCAP Commanded Power in Excess of 6 dB Below the Value Corresponding to the Top of the DRW;CM-MAC=ac:db:48:bc:71:2f;CMTS-MAC=00:01:5c:83:64:7c;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
13:46:45    5    Dynamic Range Window violation

comcast just re-provisioned my modem and this is what I’m seeing


channel 37 seems to have something odd going on.


just refreshed and its up to 6069595 corrected



it look’s like my upstream channels might be dipping below spec.


 channel 1,4, and 5 are below spec according to what I can find on google.




so it looks like the power levels have come up a bit, they are sitting just in spec now. 

I suggest you to visit for further assistance.

Again with the passing of the buck!!!!  Check this check that.  It can’t be xfinity?  I’m glad I’m done with in with them!  Great crew guys come out but back business, they make way to much money and just screw you around.
