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i need my wifi password sb6183

  • 28 August 2023
  • 5 replies


Could you provide a little more detail? The SB6183 is a modem, not a router. What kind of router do you have? Are you trying to find/change the password to log in to the router (admin function) or the password used to access wifi from a device?

It's an arris surf board router I's SBG6700-AC. Does that help? Or is that a modem or both? I can't figure out my password I had so I need to get that. 

I'm trying to access the password I use for the WiFi of the tv. 

Ah, that helps! So (this is not a unit I have worked with in the past) there are two concepts that are critical. There is a login (I haven’ pulled a user manual yet and won’t go that deep yet) that allows you to “log in” to the device (typically a user name of admin and a password that is part of the serial number or somethign you set up. That give yous access to the controls on the device, typically at IP address Then, the wifi router part of the device (it is a modem and router) “broadcasts” an SSID (what you see when you try to set up your phone or a device, and a password (what your device uses to authenticate. So, if your problem is that you don’t know how to connect your TV because you don’t know the SSID/password combination, you will need to “log in” to your modem and it will tell you what the SSID and password are for connecting devices, If you don’t know how to log in to the router at all (basically, admin) then you will need to do a “factory reset” of the modem/router which will probably reset the login to “admin” and the password to some part of the serial number or another defalue. ( I haven’t looked up the user manual for this specific device.) Once that is done, you will want to log in to the modem router, and update your Login password so nobody else can get in that way. Then, you will want to navigate to the admin console and change the SSID and Password that devices use to something you can easliy remember bu will be hard to guess (such as Vega wifi (SSID) and (Dr0pDE@dH@cker)) (use your imagination) and then you will need to go into your phone/tv/etc. and update the SSID and Password. Hope that helps. If not, I can provide more detail later.

Hello elisavega665

                                  If you are looking for default WIFI credentials please login to the modem interface using the steps mentioned on the below link and you can also see the default WIFI credentials on the modem label. Network name will be mentioned as SSID nd below that WIFI password. Enter the password without space and it is case sensitive.