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ISP cant activate modem sb6190

  • 16 April 2023
  • 1 reply

I tried to add another Arris router to my home not knowing you can’t connect two modems. I have a large house and the internet is slow upstairs even with the mesh router. When I realized it didn’t work I tried to go back to using the arris surfboard SB6190. The lights are white, blue, blue, white however Xfinity says they can’t activate the modem. What happened that it worked fine before and now isn’t working? I have tried a hard reset and that didn’t work either. 

Hmmm...unless it was somehow damaged during the change which I’m sure it wasn’t, that would be the only thing that I can think of that would keep them from seeing to activate it on their end.

If it were me, I’d try another cable coax connection in your home and call them back to rule that out.

Also, I would just definitely call again in case you weren’t dealing with a competent/new rep the first time.  Their system  may also not allow new connections to older modems (reactivating it may be defined as  a new connection) and the rep didn’t  know that.  I’d check their website to see if they have a list  of “acceptable” modems.

Right now, all I think you need to do is just focus on getting all blue lights before worrying about any other equipment in your home.

Kind regards