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SB6190 DOCS 3.0 COX will not let me have more than 10mbps upload speed for their free 500/50 plus plan

  • 13 March 2024
  • 0 replies

COX has been working on upgrading the 500/10 plan to the new 500/50 10% plan.   My modem

is a SB6190 (32x8).   A few years back I used to have a 300/30 plan but had to kill it because

my cable tv and internet package was getting to expensive.   My modem spec states it’s good for 262mbps upload speed.  Currently I am at 500/10.  When I asked if I will get the 500/50 10% plan they say NO because the max upload speed is only 10mbps.  They keep saying it’s because it’s a 3.0

modem.  If that’s the case why did I have 300/30 a few years ago and why does the MFG spec

state the upload speed max is 262mbps.  Even if it was half of that it certainly is more than 50 up.

Is COX BS ing me or has something changed that prevents a modem spec of 262 upload not work

on COX for 50 up?

