I have Xfinity 1000 down/100 up plan for over 3 months. I am connecting PC direct to SB8200 for testing and I only get a max of 24mbps upload. Only 1 (new) splitter and no other breaks in the line to the outside box, which has a new cable to the pole. Download is to spec and fine with no errors.
Online Xfinity has reprovisioned the SB8200 at least 20 times and rebooted it at least 30 times over the last 3 months and I’ve logged around 22 hours on the phone with them.
An Xfinity tech came to my house and tested everything and said it was all 100% and the reason I wasn’t getting 100mbps upload was likely to be Xfinity not provisioning it right.
He verified upload 4 bonded channels at 45 dBmV within spec.
To rule out the SB8200 I bought an S33 and had exactly the same result so I returned it.
When I call them Xfinity is now telling me that the problem is the manufacturer needs to update the modem and they can do no more troubleshooting until that is done. I don’t know if that’s true, or a cop out, and I can find nothing online that helps me get an update from the manufacturer.
Has anyone ever got Xfinity to give them the contracted 100mbs upload speed, and if yes, how did you do it? TIA