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Mesh Compatible

  • 24 May 2022
  • 3 replies

Will my device work with ax6600 tri-band mesh?

Yes SBG7600AC2, and in fact any other ARRIS wifi router (gateway) would be compatible with ARRIS SURFboard mAX.  One of the mesh unit should be connected to the SBG7600AC2 via Ethernet port (WAN port on the mesh unit to LAN port on the wifi modem).  From there the additional mesh units can be installed following the instructions on SURFboard Central mobile app.

It’s recommended to set up the gateway to run in bridge mode to avoid double NAT.  This can be done by logging into and uncheck the routing and WiFi features as shown in the screen shot.  Once this is done, mAX becomes the only router and wifi in the home and all clients including wired clients should connect to mAX.


Thanks for the input @JDub1025.  I’d like to use 2 MESH units as extenders away from the SBG7600AC2 and keep my SBG7600AC2 as the main router.  Is this possible? 

Unfortunately it is not possible.  Mesh systems come with multiple units in a kit and they work together as a team by exchanging information amongst themselves to optimize the network connectivity.  Mesh system units typically are built using the same family of WiFi chipset and processor from the same manufacturer, therefore making it very easy for them to exchange information.  To support mix and match of units in a mesh system, such as one you describe, it requires the chipset manufacturers to work together so the chips can exchange information using a common language.  While the common language is available, known as “easy mesh”, the adoption of such technology is not high.

ARRIS is the leader in cable modem and gateway.  I would expect ARRIS to be working on some kind of cable mesh system where the main router is a cable gateway which works with a few satellite extenders to improve the WiFi coverage, essentially the scenario you’re describing.
