I have recently picked up an SBG8300 to replace a damaged SB8200.
On that SB8200, I was able to host HTTPs services through the device and these services were available globally via my domain name pointed at my home IP.
On this new device, that is no longer the case. I can confirm that the services are initiated properly and are able to be used at ‘localhost’, but I cannot reach them via the public address.
Things I have tried:
- Creating a fixed IP for the hosting device internally
- Designated DMZ as the fixed IP of host device- no good, connections refused
- Created a makeshift DMZ through port forwarding ports 1-65535 int/ext and TCP/UDP for the host device- no good, connections refused
- Setting IPv4 and IPv6 firewalls to Custom - Firewall Disabled levels- no good, connections refused
When I try to reach the web page for the hosted service in question, I reach the “https:// Redirect” page for my service, which is clearly not going to work as the service is hosted on HTTP.
How can I allow my HTTP service through the DMZ without the Surfboard interrupting or trying to translate the call into HTTPS?