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arris svg2482ac intermittently drops 2.4ghz wifi


Every few days my 2.4ghz WiFi will disappear. Removing power to reset it works but I can’t figure out why this happens. Never happens on 5ghz 

Things I’ve tried:

  1. I have tried manually changing the channel but that didn’t help.
  2. I changed channel bandwidth from 20/40 to 20 and that didn’t help. I’ve posted my current settings.
  3. Ran WiFi spectrum to see what was going on (see picture)

Any ideas?





Make sure to place the gateway in an open area, preferably at a higher altitude.

Does the 2.4GHz Wi-Fi disappears on any particular device, or is it affecting all devices?

If you notice the 2.4GHz Wi-Fi band disappearing, I recommend checking the LED light status on the front panel of the gateway. The LED lights indicate the status of both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz connections. Please take note of whether the LED light for the 2.4GHz turns off when the issue occurs.

  • The Many
  • March 15, 2025

Thanks for the reply. 

I have it sitting on the floor in my 2nd story bedroom. When it stops working it impacts all devices. 

I have not checked the light but will next time it goes out. 

I’ve recently set the 2.4ghz to channel 3 despite reading it’s not a good thing to do given overlap, but it’s been working for 48 hours without it going out. 

If/when it goes out again, I’ll check the LED status and report back. 

  • The Many
  • March 17, 2025



This evening my 2.4ghz WiFi once again stopped working. It was not broadcasting as I tried to connect to it from multiple devices that previously had connected to it on the 2.4ghz frequency. 

On the front, the 5ghz light was on and flashing. It was still working well. The 2.4ghz light was on but not flashing. 

I removed power and restarted and the 2.4ghz started working. Both lights were on and flashing. 

I hope you can help figure this out. 

Thank you!



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