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I’d like to connect a hard drive to my Surfboard AC1750 (aka SVG2482AC) to share files across my family’s Windows home network. I connected a drive to the USB port, and accessed the router/modem. Online instructions I’ve seen for the AC1600 say to click the USB tab at the top of the Surfboard management page (which I accessed via browser at http://10.x.x.x), but no USB options exist for this iteration of the Arris page (see screenshot) and there doesn’t seem to be a way to access/add a USB device.


Is it possible to add a hard drive to the AC1750/SVG2482AC?


I’ve never seen (on that device) that the usb was usable. Just that it could be used for power (a bit pointless imo)> 

Thanks, plemans. Pointless AND misleading!

Finally found it, its power only.