My surfboard SVG2482AC just started disconnecting from the internet and coming back. It started a couple weeks ago, just once here and there. As of today, I’m lucky to get 30 minutes. I can’t get through a single 45 minute meeting (I get paid by the hour when I’m meeting a client and nothing if I can’t make it).
I’ve tried hitting the reset button when it doesn’t come back immediately. I’ve done this a dozen times. Just now I tried unplugging it altogether from the power for over 10 minutes.
The power to my house is fine. The power light on the modem rarely goes off and the phone plugged into the modem and the outlet doesn’t lose power. Nothing else in my house is without power or turning on and off.
I bought this just 2 years ago and was working great until now. (also, this question took 30+ minutes to get through with all the starts and stops)