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I am not getting the data transfer rate of 300 Mbps that Spectrum says I’m supposed to get and they say it is because the modem. According to your website, the Surfboard SBG6580 cable modem has a maximum data transfer rate of up to 343 Mbps down. Saying up to 343 Mbps means anything above 0 to 343 Mbps! In some data transfer rate test tests in the past, I have gotten around 235-to around 258 Mbps down. Just a little while ago, it was only 153.1 Mbps down.


Another issue is the lack of Technical Support for the product by the company! It seems Support is getting worse generally for things. In the past I have been able to call and speak to a person. Can’t it be done now?

Hello WCarp

                      For slow speed issue, if this is on WIFI I would suggest you to try changing WIFI channels will avoid interference and that will give better speed and connection. If other Wi-Fi sources such as neighboring wireless access points are using the same wireless channel, this may cause slow speed and intermittent connectivity issues, even if the competing signal is relatively weak. Changing the wireless channel within the  gateway can improve connectivity and speed. you can follow the steps mentioned on the below link to change the WIFI channel. If this happening even on direct connection please try resetting modem then check the speed again. 

                     But after resetting the modem will go to default setup any custom settings will be removed so use the default network name and password to connect to your network.


I am NOT using WiFi I  am using an Ethernet connection.


The support issue was not addressed! I need better support.

If you are experiencing slow speed through a hardwired connection, I suggest you check the cable signal levels to make sure all are in range.

To check the cable signal levels, follow the steps in the link:

You can also get in touch with technical support by visiting



I checked the modem Status as you suggested and everything seemed to be okay except the Upstream Bonded Channels. Channel 4 is Not Locked. See attached screenshot. Could you comment about this?

Also, you mentioned, “You can also get in touch with technical support by visiting” With some difficulty, I found a way to get Technical Support but if the product is out of warranty, the cost is $39!. In one place it mentions there is Chat but doesn’t give any way to do so! Please comment.


Wayne Carpenter

Since the channel 4 is not locked in the upstream bonded channel, I suggest you to contact your internet service provider and ask them to refresh the signals to make all the channels locked.