Hello nelsons21
The Cable Operators (MSOs) have complete control of what cable modem/gateway hardware they will allow installed and the firmware it uses, this is because they own the coaxial cable that is connected to the ARRIS SBG6782, because of that the Firmware updates are pushed by them, and any update needed as well. Any associated firmware updates are automatically deployed by the cable operator. This is not an ARRIS only implementation, but the required implementation of any cable device manufacturer.
Even for the device owned by the customer only your internet service provider can only update firmware since they are the one activating modem and to check the current firmware version you can see on the modem interface.
Let us know if this helps.
I understand that the updates are made by my ISP. What I am trying to find out is if they have done any updates, and how current is my firmware. The reason I am asking is, I purchased my modem in 2014. So if I am working with really old firmware do I need an update. I am worried about security and current functions with the new speeds.
So, I am trying to figure out if they have been updating it at all, and if so, how current it might be. Or, if they haven’t been updating it and I need to have them do it, or purchase a newer modem/router.
So if I read between the lines….once I started using my modem (purchased in 2014) the ISP “should” keep up to date my firmware, but might not keep my firmware up to date except for maybe security. So possibly any any speed or other function updates may or may not have been done. So I may still be running 2014 software.
Since my modem is old (2014, I will check with my ISP about what updates they have done or not done. (They wont tell me probably because they dont know) I have no way to double check if my experiencing problems is my modems problems or if my ISP is having the problem. I have looked at my modem and see lots of errors but have no idea if the errors are mine or normal or if it is my ISP’s.
So are you telling me that in order to make sure I am using current firmware and getting current functions I should purchase a new router/modem?
I’m having exact same issue. I just want advice if I should save myself the hassle and get a new device?
I dont know. I Couldnt get an answer from anyone either. So I went and got a new device.
Save yourself the hassle. They are playing Catch 22. Some of the newer modems will allow you to go to
their website and do your own maintenance and updates to the modem. So, depending on your knowledge or how much you want to fiddle with it….take your choice… Good luck!