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S33 Comcast incompatability

  • 27 February 2024
  • 3 replies

I recently installed S33 to take advantage of Comcast 2G+ package. After a few hours with various teirs of comcast tech support, it was concluded that the S33 can’t be configured to work at the expected speeds.

I have been a satisfied owner of the SurfBoard T25 and hoped the S33 would deliver the same satisfaction but sadly, this is not the case. Upload speeds of 5Mbps just does not do it. The findings were that a “Boot file” Comcast use to activate the CM reports itself as “INVALID”.

Arris - please work this issue out with Comcast or stop advertizing the S33 as Comcast compatible so other customers are not misled.


The S33 is comcast compatible. But its not one of their “next gen” devices. 

I’d post a list here but it tends to get blocked. 

Just google “next gen speed tier” and compatible devices and it’ll list them. 

If you’re looking for a modem only, the coda56 seems to be the go to for it. The only other modem only is the netgear cm3000 but it hasn’t been released yet. I believe the S34 will be on there but it isn’t approved (or even released yet)

I have got the CODA56 and got it activated.

Worked great for 3 days then Xfinity deactivated it!!

It took a tech visit to get reactivated cause it’s MAC was already assigned to a customer - that customer was none other than ME!!

It’s a zoo but thanks for the suggestion.

Glad it worked! Xfinity is a crazy setup. I test a lot of different modems and about half the time there’s some issue. 

Hope the CODA56 works well for you. I’ve seen good reviews on it but haven’t used it myself. I’ve got a few other ones I can use before I need to buy one ;)