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s33 no connection

  • 28 April 2023
  • 2 replies

We've had our s33 for about a year , love it, works great ...tonight while watching TV one of the cats ran passed it and unplugged it, plugging it back in now results in just a green flashing light and no internet, Xfinity can't see it at their end and can't provision it again, I've done a factory reset but it's made no difference. In the web interface it says that DOCSIS network access is denied and also the system date and time is set to Jan 1 1970 but I can't see any way to correct that? Everything else looks normal to me

I doubt the cat just caught the power line. I’d be betting it knocked if off or something along those lines. 

So I’d be checking that coax connection to see if its loose or if it getting jarred causes issues with the cable. maybe try replacing the coax cable or moving it to right where the coax comes into the home. 

The modem was on the floor already so falling wasn't an issue, I tried two different coax cables and factory reset it a few times. Logging into the modem from my PC shows that everything looks good apart from security shows it has failed and DOCSIS access is denied, the downstream is locked and good (5db and 43snr) upstream is unlocked oh and the system date is 1 Jan 1970!?!? . Trying to provision it through the app fails and they couldn't do it over the phone or in person too, we had a tech come out today, he tried to get it working but couldn't connect to it at all, he hooked up their modem/router and it's working great roughly..  300mbps faster than this was too which surprised me, we're getting 118% of our service speed so clearly there's no issue with the cables/wiring. It would be nice to figure this out so I can keep it as a spare rather than just bin it!