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I just moved to my modem is still not connecting to the router. My service is with cox but the equipment is not (they were bought separately)...I talked to cox already about connection they did their part. I have a TP-LINK ARCHERC59 AC 1350 (ver 2.0) router (it's has 7 lights on the front)...1st 3 lights are soild power/2nd/internet/{4-7 space ship/ethernet/trident/ wps-no light/not on/not soild }]. I already tried the off/on methods with both equipment (did not work) Modem is an ARRIS's was working fine at the old place...I can not access the status page on TP- Link. Can anyone help? 

When you move to a new location, service providers may not detect a connection for your modem. In this case, you will need to activate the modem again by registering with the service provider to inform them that you’ve moved.

Once the modem is activated, please connect it directly to a laptop or desktop using an Ethernet cable to check the connection.

After verifying that the internet connection works directly, please turn off both the SB6183 modem and the TP-Link router. While both are turned off, connect the Ethernet cable from the modem to the WAN port of the TP-Link router. Next, turn on the modem and wait for it to fully boot up. Once the modem is ready, turn on the router and check the connection through Wi-Fi.
