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SB6183 stats and firmwares

  • 18 October 2022
  • 1 reply

Cox support has been trying to shirk their responsibility for configuring and diagnosing internet problems in an attempt to bludgeon us users into renting their scammy integrated modem/router.  What firmware versions should we expect to see loaded on the SB6183 and what are normal ranges for the upstream power and downstream SNR stats?

Can anyone advise on the age/compatibility on firmware version: D30CM-OSPREY-


Does anything stand out as deficient for these connection stats?


I should add that the problem being experienced is frequent upstream packet loss and poor performance on upstream (typically between 10-50% of quoted capacity).

Hello bugmenot

When it comes to firmware we have fewer control over it since the service providers are the ones that push the firmware version to the device. Now, going to the Signal Levels we actually have information about it. These levels are simply outside range which could give you issues with either speed or get you intermittent connection. For Downstream, the power levels have to always be between -15 to 15 dBmV and the Upstream, when you have 3 or more channels, it should be within 45 to 51 dBmV. 

Your provider will need to have this fixed to make sure you have the service you’re paying for. I will attach the link for this information so you can check it out and make sure you have the official data for this. 


Let us know if you need something else.


Link to this article: