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First off, my phone says I have connection, but router says I'm not online, no blue light, nothing. My phone, and apps work though. I get connected to my ring device just fine. Now my husband, and daughter, cannot connect at all for 2 days now. I've unplugged from wall, etc., and nada. My ISP said he shows I'm connected. On my settings, where it says I'm connected, has a lock icon, how do I get rid of that? Could it be why my family can't connect? Nope, not savvy with this stuff

Hello Juliemill67

                             If the modem lights are off and it says you are not connected or not connecting on few devices we would suggest you to perform hard reset on the modem to isolate issue But after resetting the modem will go to default setup any custom settings will be removed so use the default network name and password to connect to your network. After resetting if you are still facing same issue we would suggest you to try re provisioning modem by contacting your internet service provider so provisioning will configure the modem completely and it will help you in getting internet back.