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Hi, I have a G34, which works fine for streaming and internet, but when I try and use “WiFi Calling” or a 4G cell extender (personal mini cell tower) I frequently have failed out going  call and missed incoming calls.  Only clue is that the G34 does not get any returns when it does the connectivity test.  The 4G cell extender is connected directly to my G4.


Please Help!

Hello JP1000


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. 


I would like to get more information from this issue, when you say not getting any returns when doing a connectivity test exactly what are you referring to? can you provide us any screenshots of that test to have a better idea? 


Thanks for your answer in advance. 


I have no difficulty connecting with the internet even though the router fails the following test:


I’ve seen a few times where SIP caused issues with wifi calling. Have you tried disabling that? 

I don’t have that router but there’s a guide for the sbg7600. It should be similar.