
Unable to login the GUI web portal from Firefox browser

  • 20 June 2024
  • 1 reply



the year is 2024 (almost 2025) and you still ship with a firmware that expects firefox v63 and does not work with firefox v127


The error is “browser not supported” on an android phone, and of course “invalid email address” on a desktop.  That is rather grotesque as I am pretty sure I know my email address and it is the one I registered with


Also current versions of MSoft edge (v126) have a warning of not being supported. Of course this will be ignored, which is a measure of the quality of your communications


I hope that in 2025 you plan to at least support horse drawn carriages for returning the out-dated equipment you sell as new.


As for firmware updates, I am hoping for at least cuneiform linear b.

Thank you

1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +41

We apologize for the inconvenience caused. Please do check on the below article for unsupported protocol while accessing modem GUI.

If the GUi or the web interface asks for the email address then you might have been using the Surfboard central app so you can access modem GUI through the SBC app only.
